“Love Sneaking Up On You” (1994)

Performed by Bonnie Raitt

Music wrtiten by Tom Snow

Lyrics by Jimmy Scott

  • Recorded by Bonnie Raitt and written by Tom Snow and Jimmy Scott. It was released in 1994 on Bonnie’s Longing In Their Hearts album. It was on the Billboard Year End Hot 100 Singles of 1994.

  • Some songs come slowly. This one started life in the spring of 1993 in Santa Fe, New Mexico and was fully grown three months later in Los Angeles. Jimmy Scott was visiting me in Santa Fe and suggested we try to write something while he was there. I was a little reluctant since I thought of Santa Fe as a place to recharge and take a break from writing but Jimmy prevailed . We came up with a funky Al Green-ish chord progression and melody but couldn’t find a title or chorus. Liking what we had so far we promised each other to revisit the tune in the future. A few weeks later I got a call from Jimmy with the title: “Love Sneaking Up On You”. That was all we needed. When I got back to L.A. we wrote the chorus, finished the lyric, and cut the demo. Jimmy was a favorite collaborator of mine. A soft spoken Englishman with a bluesy streak who wrote for the love of it. He definitely brought out my funky side. And Bonnie put the icing on the cake. Okay, so I’m mixing metaphors….


"Dreaming of You"


"Let's Hear It For The Boy"